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Understanding Embedded Integration: A Beginner’s Guide

As a SaaS company, it is inevitable that you’ll regularly encounter integration requests from both existing clients and potential customers. API integrations with your product and your customers’ tech infrastructure have transitioned from optional extras to essential features that customers anticipate. However, the challenge lies in finding solutions when you lack the resources to facilitate […]

Navigating the Salesforce Data Integration Challenges

Before we dive into the challenges of data integration, it’s always smart to get a good grip on the basics of that specific area. Talking about data integration in particular, an astonishing 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated each day, with a significant portion flowing from diverse sources such as social media, transactional systems, ERP systems, […]

Demystifying Data Mapping: What is Data Mapping in Salesforce?

Imagine you’re planning a massive concert. All the instruments (your data sources) need to play together in harmony for a beautiful performance (seamless business insights). But there’s a catch: each instrument speaks a different language (data format). This is where data mapping in Salesforce comes in – it’s the conductor that translates and coordinates everything […]